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Hi there! I'm Nicholas , I love to design and code beautifully simple things.

Nothing excites me more than learning something new and starting a new adventure.

Always looking out for opportunities.

Currently working at BandLab Technologies.

About Me

Never too late to learn

I always thought my dream was to be a licensed aircraft engineer, it seemed like an appropriate dream given my education path, but I always felt mundane.

It all changed when I had my first and only programming module in university, the fascination it produced when I wrote my 1st Hello World program on Python.

Since then, I have taken a liking in web development which comprises of problem-solving skills and creativity.

Graduated B.Eng. with Honours in Aircraft Systems Engineering, from SIT.


Some technologies and tools I have used

I am not that bad with:



I have played around with:




A peek at my early career

Oct 2022 - Mar 2023

Software Engineer Trainee

@ foodpanda
  • Engineered modern applications with a variety of different languages, framework and testing libraries such as React, Typescript, Jest and Cypress.
  • Collaborated with other engineers to develop front-end interfaces on company internal tools, allowing other employees to easily modify the configurations in the parcel delivery service.
  • Improved API periodic tests by reducing test flakiness and implementing reattempts on timeout errors, resulting in a ~85% reduction in false positive errors.
  • Involved in setting up CI/CD pipeline with bash script and GitHub Actions to fully automate testing and deployment stage which increased the team’s productivity by ~50%.
  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript
  • React
  • Jest
  • Cypress

Jan 2022 - Sep 2022

Aircraft Engineer Trainee

  • Performed composite laminate and aluminium sheet metal repairs.
  • Applied aircraft systems knowledge during OJTs on A380 & B787 aircraft.
  • Exposed and familiarized to OEM manuals such as AMM and SRM in AirNav.


Coding projects that I enjoyed working on

Voucher Management

This is a web-based program that enables users to carry out CRUD operations on vouchers. It also provides a data table for convenient access to all information related to the vouchers.

  • TypeScript
  • Node.js
  • Express.js
  • React
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Prisma ORM
  • PostgreSQL
  • Docker



This is a web-based program that enables users to quickly analyze the performance of their stock portfolio. It also allows users to save and make changes to their transaction history, which can be easily accessed on a single page.

  • Python
  • Django
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Bootstrap
  • PostgreSQL


IoT Hand Sanitizer

A hand sanitizer product that incorporates data analytics and simple machine learning techniques to forecast certain data points, such as the number of times the sanitizer dispenser needs to be used before it runs out.

  • Python
  • Jupyter Notebook
  • Arduino


Pepsi corporate SPA

Creating a new React-based single-page application from the beginning, in order to gain familiarity with various tools, including Typescript, React Router, framer motion, and the vitest unit testing framework.

  • TypeScript
  • React
  • Framer Motion


What's next?

Get in touch

I'm always on the lookout for new opportunities. Whether you have a question or just want to say hi, I'll try my best to get back to you!

Designed & Built by Nicholas Yong

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